We give back 50% of our Profit! Yes 50%

It’s a Win-Win all the way around. Our Community members are giving back a good chunk of their membership fee to help other mamas! Anyone can apply for a piece of this pot- community member or not!

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baby Sami and pregnant Kari

pregnant Sami and grandma Kari

If we can support the mothers, we can change the world.
— Sami, GEM founder

The Kari Fund is designed to support mothers when they need it, with no strings attached! Need gas money, rent, utilities, food, clothes, therapy, anger management, shoes, a coffee, PT, daycare, babysitter, meal delivery, postpartum doula, birth doula, furthering education… everything is on the table.

I am super passionate about this Fund because I saw how much my mom struggled as a single parent and how resourceful she had to be. I truly believe that mothers can change the world and we can’t do that unless our basic needs are met plus some. I want to help with that.

We all need a little help from time to time and I truly hope we can all learn to ask for it when we need it! It isn’t a failure to ask for help- it’s a superpower!

If you or anyone you know could benefit from a little extra help or want to give/get a special little gift just for being GOOD ENOUGH please fill out the form below :)

Tell Us What You Need.

Need a Little Help or Just Want a Treat for Being an Amazing Mom?

Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to share!

We can’t make any promises that every single person will receive in whole what they ask for. It all depends on how much is in the Kari Fund at the time. We look forward to exponential growth and exponential giving! :)