A Support System Like No Other.

We want you to feel Seen, Heard, Loved, Validated, Supported, & Empowered.

“I truly believe that if we can support the mothers, we can change the world.”

— Sami Garrett, GEM Founder

What Is This Place

GEM is a place to stay connected throughout literally everything we experience during Matrescence (growth through motherhood). We’re a community that is joyfully sharing life and offering so much compassion when joy can’t be found. Some topics in Matrescence that we connect over…

  • sleep decisions

  • product choices


  • difficult diagnoses

  • loss

  • debriefing from birth

  • sharing wins

  • sharing frustrations

  • learning new skills

  • diving into evidence-based practices

  • getting real down and dirty about the truth of motherhood

  • working on reparenting ourselves

  • working moms

  • SAHMs

  • single parenting

  • co-parenting

  • all the things and so much more

We’re not perfect- We’re aiming for Good Enough and that is a Perfect place to be.

A modern approach

There is an AMAZING movement going down in the motherhood realm! Some call it cycle-breaking, reparenting, conscious parenting, gentle parenting, or attachment parenting... I call it Good Enough Parenting, where we value learning and growth. We learn about all the things and then pick what feels the best for our family. We are learning new skills that our parents didn’t teach us. We are learning how our children develop and how best to support them. We are learning how best to support ourselves and feeling connected while we do it.

I don’t know about you, but we want to be the best versions of ourselves, learn the best ways to raise our children, and not lose our mind or selves while doing it! Plus be able to chat with other mamas going through the same or similar things that get us and say, “Yup, shit is hard/funny/sucky/tricky/lonely/silly/euphoric/all the things and I’m here with you too!

If this sounds like you, please check out our Community. It is literally being built to fit all our growing needs.

Meaning Behind Good Enough Matrescence

Being Good Enough means recognizing that we can’t be perfect nor do we want to set that unrealistic standard for our children. We recognize that it is during the hard, not so great moments, that we get the opportunity to learn, grow, and repair with our children and in doing so demonstrate how they too can navigate through tough moments. We feel confident that we are not only doing our best and deeply trusting of our intuitions but also love a good deep dive into things that support our growth as self and parents. This is Good Enough.

Matrescence is the ever-changing journey through motherhood. It starts the moment we become pregnant and arguably lasts our lifetime. It’s constantly changing mentally, physically, emotionally, biologically, and spiritually. We are constantly in a new state with new challenges and having connection & support through that is pretty vital for our sanity and our children’s.

Parenting is Hard. We can do hard things. Even better is if we can do it together. Maybe we’ll even learn something new and make a new bff.
— Sami, GEM Founder

How We Got Started

Rewind to 2020, I’m(Sami) pregnant and we live states away from family and friends. I started researching all the evidence-based things relating to pregnancy, birth, and postpartum care. I learned the importance of a support system but that was on the bottom of my prep list since I have always been an independent person and we had no one around anyway. Everything else I was super prepared for.

Fast Forward to early postpartum days feeling so alone in my experience with no mom friends close. Breastfeeding hurt, the mourning of my old self mixed with all the hormones and the new little stranger that I loved more than the world was a lot to handle. I started to see why a “village” to support the mother is a nice luxury to have.

Fast Forward to the birth of my second and things really changed! I felt confident as a mom of one. We had our moments and I turned to evidence-based research and intuition for most things, but everything changed when my second was born. That’s when I felt the Rage. And still had little support. I started thinking support shouldn’t be a luxury and really should be a staple like it use to be.

I never understood the rage before becoming a mom of 2. I’ve had some pretty volatile experiences in my childhood and thought there was no way I would ever feel Anger and Rage towards my children. However, I was beyond overwhelmed, under slept, and overstimulated with a toddler and a newborn. I was triggered left and right- way more than I ever experienced before. Again I sought out evidence-based theories and practices and mixed them with intuition to find what felt best for us. I tried. I knew I needed support. Even just someone to come over so I could have a moment in the shower by myself. Things got better (my 3 things helped a ton!) but it could have been faster if I had more support- it just wasn’t an option.

I felt as if I was drowning and If I felt that way, my friends probably felt that way too. How could I possibly ask them for help when I knew I wasn’t in a state to be able to give anything back to them?

I started thinking about how awesome it would be to have a non-judgemental loving community where we could be really honest, like raw honesty, and find joyful connections with other mamas who are going through or have gone through similar things. I found it so healing to connect with a mom friend who literally has the same age kids as me and going through similar things. We could be honest without the nasty judgment and comments you often see in FB groups.

Most of my other friends at this point had older or younger kids and were at different stages of motherhood. It was still nice to get together and share in the camaraderie of motherhood but we still had different challenges at any given time. So, I decided to set out to create this community where all are welcome especially if a “village” is something that is lacking, like it had been for me.

Meeting with so many mamas, I realized that when something “labeling” comes up in motherhood, we are pretty divided on the internet. You can find groups for loss, groups for natural-minded parenting, groups for difficult diagnoses, groups for whatever- but why not have them all in one place? After all, we are all mamas and often flow in and out of these “labels”. There is healing power in connection.

Along with this, I wanted a place to share ALL the research I have found in a way that people could plug and play. They could find all the info and see what feels right for them because every motherhood journey and every child is different. More-so, they could share their favorite resources with all of us too! I believe the more information is available the better decisions we can make for our families.

On top of that, I really value growth in myself and am always trying to learn new skills to be more calm and present- a skill that every mama should have in her tool belt! I wanted lessons like this to be immediately available for the community members. I wanted to partner with some of the best in their fields to bring you (and me) Amazing stuff!

If we, as mothers, can remain untriggerable we can intentionally raise our kids in the most aligned way for them and us! And that’s how GEM came to be, a place for community and resources where we can continue to grow in our mothering journey with all sorts of tools in our toolbelt for every hurdle along the way. We can be seen, heard, loved, validated, supported, and resourced AF. And we can do it all together!

Probably my favorite part of starting this community was the thought of how much I’d like to give back to help other mamas. If we can have our basic needs and stresses met, it’s SOO much easier to stay calm and conscious in our parenting. I thought about my mom. She was a single mom trying to make ends meet. I watched her from a young age do everything she could to make sure we were cared for, often neglecting herself. We’d often ate at places that had “kids eat free” days so she could feed us while she didn’t eat. I often wonder if she had more support, how things would have been different- hence the Kari Fund was born. It’s hard to pour from an empty cup even though we all do it. I want us to pour from a full cup- scratch that! I want us to have so much overflow, that we don’t even have to pour at all! We can all dance in those splashes!

So GEM is a full circle mother support community- the goal is to support us mamas through whatever season of life we are in. If we can support the mothers we can watch the world change.

Welcome to GEM.

Join The GEM Community Today

About Sami

A good friend of mine told me that I help people by helping them help themselves. That I help them believe in themselves.

I had never heard it put that way and was like “OMG YES!” I can’t think of a better way to put it. I love being able to connect people and provide resources for them to then figure things out. I sure as heck don’t know what’s best for everyone- but I can guarantee if you have a bunch of resources you can figure it out for yourself. Maybe think a little differently too…

Other things I like:

  • Finding meaningful connections with people

  • Exploring new place

  • The warmth of the sun when it tingles your skin

  • A cold crispt breeze tickling your face

  • Adventuring with my family

  • The silence of snowfall in the mountains

  • Sand between my toes during a sunrise

  • Learning new things and sharing them