GEM Community

Become Less Triggerable & More Resourced.

Find Soul Nourishing Friendships and Fun in Motherhood!

Take a Peak Inside

Nervous System regulation has a direct impact on we show up as our best selves affecting confidence, stress tolerance, relationships, cognition, emotional health, physical health and more.

Nervous system regulation and parenting are closely linked, given effective parenting influences and shapes the development of a child's nervous system.

In today’s society, Mothers are expected to do more than ever with little to no access to nervous system regulation tools making it near impossible to show up as our be selves and be effective parents.

So the question is….

How do you ever expect to show up as your best mom self and be an effective parent without resources that support nervous system regulation through motherhood?

Having access to nervous system regulation tools is the only way to guarantee you always show up as your best self, be an effective parent, and thrive in motherhood. 

That’s exactly why GEM was created!

What is this Place?

  • Become Less Triggerable, More Resourced, and Find Soul Nourishing Friendships.

    We are better together and here at GEM we believe the more resources you have the better equipped you are at handling all the things motherhood throws at you and the better you can make decisions that align with you & your family.

    We start with ourselves and healing our nervous system and then everything else is a bonus (and we have ALOT of bonus resources inside)

    The best part... create soul nourishing friendships with other mamas who are also healing, learning, growing, reparenting, breaking cycles, questioning, intentional parenting, raising a healthier generation and having fun doing it too!

  • A Resource Library for your entire Motherhood Journey

    7 different Modalities (and Growing) For Nervous System Regulation

    • Somatic Practices

    • Vagal Toning

    • EFT Tapping

    • Emotion Code

    • IFS (Internal Family Systems)

    • Yoga

    • Mindfulness/Meditations

    From Pregnancy&Birth, 4th Trimester, Beyond the 4th Trimester, and Child Related things- We've got the evidence-based resources to help support you in following your intuition when raising yourself and your family!

    We have a slack community filled with numerous topics to converse over, resources inside like nervous system regulation, yoga, pelvic floor functional movement, clean living, birth prep, postpartum prep, nutrition for birth and breastfeeding, parenting, and so much more.

    We also have guest experts who come inside and share their expertise- everything from child food allergies to NICU information, Mom Brain to Pregnancy Loss, Menstrual Health to Parenting and so much more.

    New content is added monthly.

    *Join Us with code FIRSTMONTH for $1 your first month. *

  • How would it feel to wake up everyday knowing that you can show up as your best self and have the resources to handle any obstacle in your way?

    How would it feel to enjoy motherhood?

    How would it feel to have soul-nourishing friendships that you can cry, laugh, scream, celebrate and feel empowered together?

    How would it feel to be confident in your abilities to be a Good Enough Mom?

  • The Mama's that are learning, growing, healing, reparenting, breaking cycles, questioning, trying to make informed decisions, intentionally parenting, and overall trying to raise a healthy generation while also enjoying motherhood!

    Do You:

    • Value time and health as the most precious commodities?

    • Want a library of evidence based resources in your back pocket?

    • Love personal growth, development, inner child healing and reparenting yourself so you can show up as the best version of yourself?

    • Want to be able to access peace and clarity when chaos arises?

    • Use Intuition and like to have evidence bases resources to help inform you?

    • Want soul connections with other mamas that just "get you"?

    • Feel like you are parenting "against the grain", feel great about it, and also want to a community that understands?

    • Like giving back?(Our Kari Fund uses a good portion of the membership fee to help support other mamas)

    If you answered yes, GEM is your Community!

    • People with well-regulated nervous systems are 60% less likely to experience anxiety and depression

    • Regular Nervous System Care can lower your rish of chronic diseases like heart disease by up to 30% and improve immune function by 25%

    • A regulated nervous system is linked to a 20% improvement in cognitive functions.

    • Nervous System Regulation and Parenting are closely linked. You need regulated nervous system to be an effective parent and being an effective parent influences and shapes the development of a child's nervous system.

    • Motherhood is 100% more fun with a regulated nervous system!

Most Flexible


a Month

*Flexibility to cancel at anytime & first month $1 with code FIRSTMONTH

Best Value


A Year ($28 a mo)

*30 day Love it or Leave it Policy

  • "First time mom around 8weeks and really feeling the stress of early motherhood. I was having these stress dreams full of panic, anxiety , and shame. Sami's meditation put an end to that quickly, using her visualization tools, I was able to draw out the feeling in my body. I am so thankful GEM started as I enter motherhood. I feel seen, supported and in a way that makes me feel solid and capable."

    -GEM Member

  • "Hands down, the resources alone are worth the cost and you can quote me for that."

    -GEM Member

  • "It takes up so much time and energy for me to vett new products (our whole family can't do any toxins) which is exhausting. So the fact that I can go to Lauren's Guide and look up what has already been vetted and has clean ingredients is such a relief to me."

    -GEM Member

  • "I use this one more than just my kids. It has completely changed the hard moments for me with the kids. It has really helped and I am so thankful for it."

    -GEM Member

  • "I have a high stress life and in the season that I'm in, I'm actively working towards lowering that stress in every way that can. And so for me, who doesn't have a lot of time and who has the desire to calm the F-down, the resources are amazing. They just simplify everything."

    -GEM Member

  • "It's already been helping me all morning. I've been repeating some of your statements and it's helped me stay so calm and happy with the kids. This is great for busy moms"

    -GEM Member

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Our Promise is to give you access to effective Nervous System Regulation tools for motherhood.... When we have clarity of mind, we can make better decisions and respond to situations instead of reacting.... The rest is all frosting on top!

    • Community Chats: Instantly connect with other moms. Dive into discussions, ask questions, or simply share a laugh. (Valued at $567)

    • Nervous System Regulation Classes: Learn to heal and manage your emotions so you have the clarity to make the best decisions for your family. A bonus is that your kids get to learn too! (Valued at $549)

    • Movement and Mobility: Specialized classes focusing on pelvic health, postnatal recovery, and full body mobility so you can feel strong, empowered, and keep up with your kids. (Valued at $449)

    • Wellness Practices: Participate in yoga, meditation, mindfulness, and breathwork sessions tailored for overstimulated busy mothers (Valued at $367)

    • Family Health Guide: Practical tips for reducing environmental stressors in your daily life and a comprehensive list of non/low tox products from snacks to dish soap. (Valued at $397)

    • Masterclasses and Resources: Guest Experts share advice for every phase of motherhood, from infancy to teens. PDF's, audios, downloadable, checklists, and cheat sheets for pregnancy,birth, postpartum, beyond the 4th trimester and child-related things. (Valued at $1,111+)

    GEM is worth over $3,440 for only $336 a year or $35 a month.

    That’s less than a dollar a day for tools and resources to show up as your best self!

    You can join us for a month for $1 - use code FIRSTMONTH to try for $1 your first month. :)

    Take a peak inside by viewing the video at the top of this page.

  • Both. GEM is designed for you to interact however best suits you in the season of motherhood you are in. If you to join just for the resources, great. If you want to join to connect with other mamas, wonderful. If you want both, beautiful.

    The live components(bedsides the Slack Community) are our masterclasses and our virtual mother blessings. The masterclasses are recorded and you can refer back to them at any time. The virtual mother blessings are not recorded as this is a sacred safe space for moms to come and share whatever is on their heart.

  • Totally get it! As Mama’s, time is our most precious commodity! We’ve designed this whole platform with the busy mama in mind- pretty much every member.

    You can spend as little as 5 mins a day on Nervous System Regulation Practices or as much time as you'd like combing through all the resources!

    You can give it a try for a month for $1 and see how it fits into your life. :) You might be pleasantly surprised.

    Use Code FIRSTMONTH for the monthly membership to get the first month for $1.

  • I hear ya, me too(Sami)!

    I’d say we are a one-stop shop to support you through many different stages in motherhood and work well in conjunction with other memberships that deep dive into one area. However, we are woking on slowly growing into many areas to truly make this a one-stop shop.

    You can always try it for a month and see how it fits into your life.

    Use Code FIRSTMONTH to try your first month for $1

  • This is your one stop shop for the mind, body, soul and spirit.

    I like to think that we don’t fit into one category. This isn’t just for pregnancy or just to support you with a loss. We are here for your whole motherhood journey and everything that you need.

    You can participate in whatever manner feels right. Maybe you just want to chat with other mamas. Maybe you just want to learn how to have the best birth or not lose your shit. Maybe you want to find a Professional to work with or maybe you just want to see what the professionals are saying. Or all of it!

    The choice is yours and we’re here to support that choice.

    We can guarantee that you will be Less Triggerable and More Resourced

  • We have a 30 day love it or leave it. If you join and find it’s not for you, you can cancel your membership.

    You can also try it $1 for a month and cancel if it doesn’t serve you.


  • Hi! I’m Sami. Please feel free to ask me anything and connect with me on IG @goodenoughmatrescence or @authorsamigarrett. :)

    If you join the free trial, you can hear my voice a ton in the yoga and meditation section. and you can meet all the other trusted resources inside too. We even have virtual mother circles and that’s a great way to get to know me and the other members. :)

    Also, listen to my 5 Min Morning Meditation or 3 Things to keep you calm when you’re triggered AF

    Code FIRSTMONTH to join GEM for a $1.

  • Please send us an Email or a DM

    We’d be happy to chat. :)

Every year
Every month
Here’s to being Less Triggerable, More Resourced, More Soul Nourishing Friendships and Having Fun in Motherhood!
— Sami