GEM, your favorite community for Good Enough Moms.

Be SEEN, SUPPORTED, and RESOURCED AF while growing into Your Best Mama Self.

Navigate Motherhood with Soul Nourishing Friendships and a Library of Resources.

Our View

Time and Choice are valuable. To be resourced enough to have choices takes time. Time, that we want to spend with our family.

Community and Connection are vital for our motherhood journey and so is Time for ourselves if we want to Thrive.

So, how is it possible to have the RESOURCES to make the best CHOICES for our family while also having enough TIME to CONNECT in a meaningful way with other MAMAS, our FAMILY, and OURSELVES so we can THRIVE??

Insert GEM… A Village of Wise Women that offers support, trust, validation knowledge, guidance, and encouragement to help us make the best choices for our family and health- that’s how we Thrive in Motherhood.

Societal norms and expectations don’t make it easy to do things “differently” or go against the grain. We often feel isolated, invalidated, and annoyed that we aren't being taken seriously. Mothers should feel seen, heard, validated, and supported- they have the most important job for humanity and should be honored no matter their choices.

There is no one right way to mother- only the Good Enough way for you. We're here to support you as you continue to find your way through the ups, the downs, the laughs, the tears, the despair, the joy. We’re all on this journey together.

Perhaps our favorite part of our community is giving back to mothers who need a little extra love. We put aside 50% of our profit to give to moms who need anything to make their lives easier. Nothing is off the table! Learn more about the Kari Fund and how to apply.


Value Meaningful Connection & Supportive Community

We all deserve to be seen, heard, validated, and supported through motherhood. We want to learn and lean on each other. We support each other through all the curveballs of motherhood.

Trust Our Intuition

We have a deep sense of what feels right for our family. We also want a loving, validating, supportive community to share with and of course be resourced AF.

Seek Growth and Wisdom

We want to keep growing into ourselves and continue learning along the way. We are breaking the old generational patterns and raising our kids better while also finding peace and acceptance in our own lives. Good enough parenting is FUN.

Want to be Our Best Mama Versions

Most of all, we want to be Conscious Parents in almost everything we do. We are reparenting ourselves while parenting our children and often getting pushback from society. We want to enjoy (for the most part) our everchanging journey through motherhood. We still want peace and calm amongst the beautiful chaos. We want to show our children how to be resilient and that it’s ok to not be perfect- but to be Good Enough.

What’s inside GEM

  • Community Chat

    Find and connect with others over several topics in a nonjudgemental loving space.

  • Classes and Courses

    Learn and Practice many things to keep our mind, body, and spirit grounded.

  • Masterclasses

    Learn from the best when it comes to parenting, self care, and other mothering topics.

  • Resource Directory

    Find and work one-on-one with professionals in your area or online with a community discount.

“Our greatest contribution to the universe may not be something we do, but someone we raise. Let’s raise them in the splashes from our overflowing cups. It all starts with Us, Mama.”